يعد الدمبلنغ المحشوبلحم ضأن سلالة الدوربر واحدًا من المنتجات الفريدة في السوق، فيكتمل لحم الضأنالرقيق والطري مع إضافة المرق الأصلي المضاف، بالتوابل الشرقية والكزبرة الطازجة.
اللحم المفروم: لحمضأن، ومياه شرب، وبصل، وملح، وفلفل أسود، وكل التوابل، والشامبلا، والثوم،والريحان المطحون، والسيلانترو. العجين: طحين القمح، ومياه شرب، ومسحوق البيض،وملح، وزيت دوار الشمس.
A unique product on the market is the Dorper lamb dumplings. Tender and juicy lamb filling with the addition of real broth is complemented with oriental spices and fresh coriander.
Minced meat: lamb, drinking water, onion, salt, black pepper, allspice, shambala, garlic, ground basil, ground cumin, fresh cilantro; Dough: wheat flour, drinking water,egg powder, salt, sunflower oil.z
A unique product on the market is the Dorper lamb dumplings. Tender and juicy lamb filling with the addition of real broth is complemented with oriental spices and fresh coriander.
Minced meat: lamb, drinking water, onion, salt, black pepper, allspice, shambala, garlic, ground basil, ground cumin, fresh cilantro; Dough: wheat flour, drinking water, egg powder, salt, sunflower oil.
Cooking Method 1:
Place dumplings in boiled salted water (1:4), stir from time to time. When water is boiled for the second time, cook dumplings for 7 minutes. To make dumplings’ flavor more pleasant, add bay leaf and black pepper while cooking.
Cooking Method 2:
Put the dumplings in a hot frying pan with oil. You can cover the frying pan with a lid so that the oil does not stain the stove. Fry for 10-15 minutes